
Guest Post by: Anonymous!


A guest post for Annkur Ji. Hope he bears with this vexatious writing.

We all live, act and take decisions as per our discretion. The righteous listen to their conscience, the evil look in for their benefits. But sometimes and maybe always, we are bound to take decisions irrespective of how these  will effect people, friends and even us.

It is best to listen to our conscience when we get into these tricky situations. Whom to choose, the good or the right. The good will expect us to go wrong (either professionally or personally), just to become infinitely good and lovable. The right will get us all the condemnation from everybody involved. It becomes difficult to stand up alone being the right.

But the question is: How to discern what is being right?

The most difficult task is to strongly believe that our decision is right irrespective of all the ups and downs. A lot of times, we keep getting confused, trying to change and mend the situations around. Although not perfect, but there is a small solution. Sit and think, for as long as you can, debating with yourself about everything involved. Think putting yourself in others shoes. Think why somebody is acting in a particular manner. And then take your decision. A well thought decision taken from your conscience will never be wrong.

It is not necessary to be righteous, or rather thinking that everybody should think of you as the right. Support of the masses, is never possible even for the best of leaders. Forgetting family, friends and loved ones and their feelings during the process of decision making is the worst phase. But people around are not for always. In our whole life, we keep meeting people, keep losing people. The only omniscient factor throughout is our conscience.

So be right to your self. Do what you think is good. If confused, give it a good thought sitting in silence. Take a decision and pursue it with your might.

(This is a guest post by Anonymous, hope anonymous would interact with you below in comments)

Mr Ohio – Agra Trip

Guest post by my lovely sister: Anchal

Our journey to Delhi (coming back from Agra) was adventurous. Highly frustrated with the long wait at the Agra Railway Station…OMG our train was over an hour late. Bearing the heat was the biggest fear. We managed to find a seat in an air conditioned waiting room. I doubt if the AC was switched on. Anyways, after a long wait, we went to the platform to discover a non Indian chap even more frustrated. Hehe and Annkur couldn’t have missed clicking him; and, why not? They make movies on Indian slums, we just got a picture.


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AnyWay, But…

People are
unreasonable, illogical and self centred.
Love them anyway.

If you do good,
people will accuse you of selfish ulterior motives.
Do good anyway.

If you are successful
you win false friends and real enemies.
Succeed anyway.

The good you do today
will be forgotten tomorrow.
Do good anyway.

Honesty and frankness
make you vulnerable.
Be honest and frank anyway.

People favour underdogs
but follow only top dogs.
Fight for some underdogs anyway.

What you spend years
building may be destroyed overnight.
Build anyway.

People really need help
but may attack you if you help them.
Help people anyway.

Give the world the best you have
and you’ll get kicked in the teeth.
Give the world the best you’ve got,

But…  don’t I (we) deserve better?

Via Dilip Uncle’s Desk!

Blunders of the World

by Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi

1. Wealth without work

2. Pleasure without conscience

3. Knowledge without character

4. Commerce without morality

5. Science without humanity

6. Worship without sacrifice

7. Politics without principle


There are no Failures, Its just Feedback – (Failure IS an option)

I came across this post today by Jeremyliew “Failure IS an Option” –

The great thing about Silicon Valley has been the entrepreneurial culture, and the acceptance that working for a failed startup is not necessarily a judgement on your character or your ability. But recently there seems to have been a change in attitudes at least amongst some people (trolls?) who are taking joy in the misfortune of others. When a startup closes down, founder’s dreams die. Employees find themselves looking for work, and at least for a period, worrying about paying their bills and supporting their families. This should never be a cause for celebration. [Read Full]

As I always say (Yes Ariginals) – Entrepreneurs are the riders of storm, they venture out in troubled waters …! For any entrepreneur who feels insecured about their ventures these words should set the record straight for you. THERE IS NOTHING WRONG IN TRYING!! Atleast you are giving it a shot – Follow your heart, do it, and if it doesn’t work, accept it without any shame.

Hour long Inspirational Video

“When people are telling you where you are going wrong, they have hopes from you… This is a good sign. When they stop telling it, then the situation is scary … They have GIVEN UP on you!”

“Experience is what you got, when you didn’t get what you wanted”

“Nobody is all evil … Just keep looking, you will see their good side”

This video is really LONG. IF you are out of time (I bet you are), then jump over to the other Inspirational Video of Steve jobs (Which actually will be a little more easy to understand for you).

And if you really watched this video, or even if you didn’t here is the Wiki Page of Randy Pausch…! Cheers