V’s experimentation with colours!

This blog is all about me, my views. The only room for anyone to express themselves is in the comments section. But here is an exception.

A dear friend and one of the finest people in the tech circles that I move around in is Mr Vivek K & here is a gem from V! Read More

“1st email” LoL memories pulled out of the trunk

{This is a status update of visit we made for a college project during BMS days in Bhavans. Shaun just sent this back to me and just couldn’t resist sharing this with the rest of the word. Bachmates from Bhavans would surely understand this better}

——– 22-8-2005 From ANkur Agarwal to Tassavur Shaikh (Toxic)

Ok Officer !!
I shall give you a briefing of wht we faced so far in the war ground of Materials Management.
We moved forward to the Creative Motors Fort in Andheri.

We attacked their Service Center. BUt we came to know that their leader (mr Kamlesh Shah) is hiding in the showoom.

So we marched forward in our hired tanks (rikshaws) towards the Creative Motors  showroom in Andheri Itself.

We spotted Mr Kamlesh and holded him at gunpoint. He was talking on a wireless communication device (Probably calling in reinforcements)
He recognized me and surrendered. We had a conferene with him in his hideout (also known as cabin) and layed down numerous demands and requested lots of ancient artifacts (Slips and documents) which were very important to us. He was very cooperative here on (probably frightened after seeing 4 of us together).

He promised to handover the requested artifacts within 24 hours and so he did. Our brave knight Sir Samie III also received a special gift from their showroom (a concessional rate for Hero honda CBZ*  with finance).
The very next day we divided the artifacts and started to work on it. Kim was sent a copy of those for special study by AIRMAIL (Courier) and she mailed us her reports and findings ( Ecopies ) of the same. We then had a brief meeting where we met our lethal weapon TOXIC ( ya he takes a whole week to recharge himself and then shows up once in a week — much like me). .. and you know what happened after that.

Here I take the privilege to mail you all the Findings and research we did on the artifacts — which although of a bit low quality is attached.
THE SPECIMEN of our victory note and improvement steps is being attached – it is to be considered by you for your views and special comments.

Over and OUT
Major General ANkur Agarwal Read More

Face to Face conversations


An email titled: Study Shows High ROI on Face-to-Face Meetings

While this was some newsletter sent to marketing / sales junta & I don’t even need to open the thing and read it.  The idea is pretty clear: no matter how much you rely on IM, FB, Twitter – fact remains that nothing replaces Face to Face conversations. And I strongly seek that value in any relationship. I have attempted hard at times to keep up with my contacts and as far as possible I would race the bike to meet up in person. Again that has some relevance with the Friend Matrix (sorry, a lot of things for me revolve around that, in a sublime manner though); though I fear I won’t be able to describe very effectively but here is an attempt.

Anyways, when I asked Are we friends? the keyword stressed was TRUST. Making yourself available for a face 2 face meeting in many ways comes under that. (If I am avoiding a meet, that certainly means lack of trust!)…

Update: Comments on this piece on Facebook… really takes the discussion forward


I feel more comfortable talking to strangers than people I know. I believe this is because chances are, I’ll never see them ever again. And I feel like I can say anything I want. They don’t know my past or what I’ve done. They can only judge me on who they are seeing right that second. I’m the person I am now, not then. People I know don’t see the difference.


Guest Post by: Anonymous!


A guest post for Annkur Ji. Hope he bears with this vexatious writing.

We all live, act and take decisions as per our discretion. The righteous listen to their conscience, the evil look in for their benefits. But sometimes and maybe always, we are bound to take decisions irrespective of how these  will effect people, friends and even us.

It is best to listen to our conscience when we get into these tricky situations. Whom to choose, the good or the right. The good will expect us to go wrong (either professionally or personally), just to become infinitely good and lovable. The right will get us all the condemnation from everybody involved. It becomes difficult to stand up alone being the right.

But the question is: How to discern what is being right?

The most difficult task is to strongly believe that our decision is right irrespective of all the ups and downs. A lot of times, we keep getting confused, trying to change and mend the situations around. Although not perfect, but there is a small solution. Sit and think, for as long as you can, debating with yourself about everything involved. Think putting yourself in others shoes. Think why somebody is acting in a particular manner. And then take your decision. A well thought decision taken from your conscience will never be wrong.

It is not necessary to be righteous, or rather thinking that everybody should think of you as the right. Support of the masses, is never possible even for the best of leaders. Forgetting family, friends and loved ones and their feelings during the process of decision making is the worst phase. But people around are not for always. In our whole life, we keep meeting people, keep losing people. The only omniscient factor throughout is our conscience.

So be right to your self. Do what you think is good. If confused, give it a good thought sitting in silence. Take a decision and pursue it with your might.

(This is a guest post by Anonymous, hope anonymous would interact with you below in comments)