There are no Failures, Its just Feedback – (Failure IS an option)

I came across this post today by Jeremyliew “Failure IS an Option” –

The great thing about Silicon Valley has been the entrepreneurial culture, and the acceptance that working for a failed startup is not necessarily a judgement on your character or your ability. But recently there seems to have been a change in attitudes at least amongst some people (trolls?) who are taking joy in the misfortune of others. When a startup closes down, founder’s dreams die. Employees find themselves looking for work, and at least for a period, worrying about paying their bills and supporting their families. This should never be a cause for celebration. [Read Full]

As I always say (Yes Ariginals) – Entrepreneurs are the riders of storm, they venture out in troubled waters …! For any entrepreneur who feels insecured about their ventures these words should set the record straight for you. THERE IS NOTHING WRONG IN TRYING!! Atleast you are giving it a shot – Follow your heart, do it, and if it doesn’t work, accept it without any shame.