2009 seems to be DevD season … I am reading all kinds of heartbroken Gtalk Status messages / SMS around me …
- Love is .. Santa Claus for adults.. we know it doesn’t exist but we don’t stop believing in the illusion !
- “Girls like you are dime a dozen and I got a nickel to splurge” !!
- Be closer wid some1 who makes you happy. But be much closer wid some1 who can’t be happy without You
- Love is a bird; U hold it tightly, It dies! If you hold it lightly, it flies! U hold it nicely, it shits in ur hands! So forget love; Better Flirt
- Relationships r precious dont take them for granted, Its sad but true that the worst pain in life is when someone u know turns into someone u knew
- Its so hurting when someone becomes priority in your life but finally you get to know that you were just an option in their life