All about Fracture Care

Here I would like to compile some short facts about Fractures….

Fractures can occur because of direct blows, twisting injuries, or falls. There are many different types of fractures. So the below info might not apply to all

Understand the Pain:

Broken bones hurt for a variety of reasons including:

  • The nerve endings that surround bones contain pain fibers and and these fibers become irritated when the bone is broken or bruised.
  • Broken bones bleed, and the blood and associated swelling (edema) causes pain.
  • Muscles that surround the injured area may go into spasm when they try to hold the broken bone fragments in place, and these spasms cause further pain.

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Cancer Update from Johns Hopkins: Excellent Article on Cancer


Cancer Update from Johns Hopkins:

1. Every person has cancer cells in the body. These cancer cells do not show up in the standard tests until they have multiplied to a few
billion. When doctors tell cancer patients that there are no more cancer cells in their bodies after treatment, it just means the tests are
unable to detect the cancer cells because they have not reached the detectable size.

2. Cancer cells occur between 6 to more than 10 times in a person’s lifetime.

3. When the person’s immune system is strong the cancer cells will be destroyed and prevented from multiplying and forming tumours.

4. When a person has cancer it indicates the person has multiple nutritional deficiencies. These could be due to genetic, environmental,
food and lifestyle factors.

5. To overcome the multiple nutritional deficiencies, changing diet and including supplements will strengthen the immune system.

6. Chemotherapy involves poisoning the rapidly-growing cancer cells and also destroys rapidly-growing healthy cells in the bone marrow,
gastro-intestinal tract etc, and can cause organ damage, like liver, kidneys, heart, lungs etc.

7. Radiation while destroying cancer cells also burns, scars and damages healthy cells, tissues and organs.

8. Initial treatment with chemotherapy and radiation will often reduce tumor size. However prolonged use of chemotherapy and radiation do not
result in more tumor destruction.

9. When the body has too much toxic burden from chemotherapy and radiation the immune system is either compromised or destroyed, hence
the person can succumb to various kinds of infections and complications.

10. Chemotherapy and radiation can cause cancer cells to mutate and become resistant and difficult to destroy. Surgery can also cause cancer
cells to spread to other sites.

11. An effective way to battle cancer is to starve the cancer cells by not feeding it with the foods it needs to multiply.

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Hour long Inspirational Video

“When people are telling you where you are going wrong, they have hopes from you… This is a good sign. When they stop telling it, then the situation is scary … They have GIVEN UP on you!”

“Experience is what you got, when you didn’t get what you wanted”

“Nobody is all evil … Just keep looking, you will see their good side”

This video is really LONG. IF you are out of time (I bet you are), then jump over to the other Inspirational Video of Steve jobs (Which actually will be a little more easy to understand for you).

And if you really watched this video, or even if you didn’t here is the Wiki Page of Randy Pausch…! Cheers