All about Fracture Care

Here I would like to compile some short facts about Fractures….

Fractures can occur because of direct blows, twisting injuries, or falls. There are many different types of fractures. So the below info might not apply to all

Understand the Pain:

Broken bones hurt for a variety of reasons including:

  • The nerve endings that surround bones contain pain fibers and and these fibers become irritated when the bone is broken or bruised.
  • Broken bones bleed, and the blood and associated swelling (edema) causes pain.
  • Muscles that surround the injured area may go into spasm when they try to hold the broken bone fragments in place, and these spasms cause further pain.

Steps of healing:

  1. Fracture and inflammatory phase
  2. Granulation tissue formation
  3. Callus formation
  4. Lamellar bone deposition
  5. Remodeling

Cast Care:

Don’t let the splint or cast get wet. The splint or cast material will soften and not harden again. In addition, the padding will not fully dry and your skin will get injured.

Don’t scratch under the splint or cast. You may get a skin infection.

Don’t pick at the cast padding. It will pull out from inside the splint or cast and then it will not be adequately padded.

Don’t trim or alter the splint or cast. If an edge is uncomfortable, try padding it with some white medical tape or consult doctor.

Fractures are painful injuries, so expect it to be somewhat uncomfortable. Resting your arm, elevation, and Tylenol are usually all that are needed. Prescription pain medication is rarely needed. If your hand or arm become too painful, please call the Doctor.

Discoloration of your hand or arm is probably normal, as the blood from the fracture seeps through your tissues. This discoloration looks like a bruise in the early stages and a deep purple, then green, then finally yellow as the weeks go by. If you are unsure, check


Incase of a Cast: Complications of casts include the development of pressure ulcers, thermal burns during plaster hardening, and thrombophlebitis. The AO ASIF group commented that prolonged cast immobilization, or cast disease, can be responsible for creating circulatory disturbances, inflammation, and bone disease that result in osteoporosis, chronic edema, soft-tissue atrophy, and joint stiffness. These problems may be avoided by providing functional aftercare.


Consultation with rehabilitation specialists can be useful in helping inpatients to ambulate with the aid of crutches or a walker and, ultimately, to decrease postoperative morbidity and expedite patients’ discharge planning. Rehabilitation services can be invaluable for many individuals in regaining their ROM and strength once the fracture has healed.

Read here for some more info.

Read more on cast care

Disclaimer: This is no expert article and is only for reference as it is and is compiled with info freely available over the internet. The author takes no responsibility for any mishap caused due to the guide above. You are requested to take all necessary expert advise from qualified doctors and medical practitioners.

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